What are most commonly asked questions for US Visitor visa interview;

12 Sep

What are the most commonly asked questions for US Visitor visa interview?

The most commonly-asked questions in a US visitor visa interview are –

Question 1: What is the purpose of your visit to the US?

Answer: Be as clear, straightforward and to-the-point as you can. State the exact reason for your visiting the US, such as –

  • I am going to the US to negotiate a business contract.
  • Receiving medical treatment in the US is my purpose of visit.
  • My mother lives in the US with my brother settled there. I am going to visit them for a few days.
  • I’m going as a tourist and will be sightseeing prominent tourist destinations.

Question 2: Where will you be staying in the US?


  • Staying in a hotel – show your hotel reservations, mentioning in brief about why you chose that particular hotel for your stay in the US.
  • Living with friends/family: show your invitation letter, describing your relationship with them.

Question 3: How long will you be in the US?

Answer: State the exact number of days that you plan on remaining in the US as a temporary visitor.

Question 4: Have you been to the US before?

Answer: Be honest. Tell the officer even if you had overstayed on your previous visit. As all information is already available with the authorities, it is needless to try and withhold information.

Question 5: Which US city will you be traveling to?

Answer: Mention the city or cities in the US that you will be traveling to.

Question 6: Do you have any relatives settled in the US?

Answer: Answer truthfully and clearly. Provide basic information on your relatives living in the US, if any.

Question 7: Who will you be financing your trip?

Answer: Here, you will have to explain as to how you plan on funding your US trip. Your bank statements will be needed if you will be paying for your trip on your own. If your relatives in the US will be sponsoring your trip, you will have to give their financial details.

Question 8: Who will you be traveling to the US with?

Answer: State whether you will be traveling to the US alone or with others. If going to the US with others, you will be expected to explain your relationship with them.

Question 9: Do you have any intention of staying back in the US?

Answer: Your ties to your home country must be put across. You must clearly mention your reasons for coming back home after the end of your visa validity. Be as convincing as possible. The officer must not see you as a potential immigrant that might try to stay back, leading to a US visa rejection.

Question 10: What assurance can you give me of returning?

Answer: Give all the reasons for going back to your home country. Mention your property back home, your friends, relatives, your job etc. You can give your employment contract to show how you must be back to keep your job.
